I want my children, and all Vermont children, to have an equal opportunity to thrive. No matter where they live. We have a legal and moral obligation to act urgently on the Pupil Weighting Report. We must adjust how we calculate the cost of educating students to restore equitable resources for all.
Posted: July 20, 2021 by mschauber
State Rep. Taylor Small
Our students, across the state of Vermont, all want the opportunity to thrive in their learning environments. But we know that our current pupil weighting system does not allow for equal access to those opportunities.
Posted: July 16, 2021 by mschauber
State Rep. Lucy Rogers
Once the Corrected Weights are Implemented, we won’t have winners and losers, we’ll have equitable education across the board.
Posted: July 13, 2021 by mschauber
Burlington School Commissioner’s Corner
Vermont’s students come to school with dissimilar learning needs and socioeconomic backgrounds that may require different types and levels of educational supports for them to achieve common standards or outcomes.
Posted: July 12, 2021 by mschauber
State Rep. Katherine Sims
I want my children, and all Vermont children, to have an equal opportunity to thrive. No matter where they live. We have a legal and moral obligation to act urgently on the Pupil Weighting Report. We must adjust how we calculate the cost of educating students to restore equitable resources for all.
Posted: July 6, 2021 by mschauber
School Boards say Political Grants Won’t Bring Equity to Vermont’s Unique Pupil Weighting Formula
Categorical Aid, grants, won’t fix an inequitable VT Education funding system. Only correcting weights will bring equity to the pupil weighting formula.
Posted: July 1, 2021 by mschauber
CVTSE Members Testify at First meeting of the Task Force on the Implementation of the Pupil Weighting Factors Report
CVTSE testified at the very first meeting of the Task Force on the Implementation of the Pupil Weighting Factors Report. Real world examples of unmet need in VT schools.
Posted: June 30, 2021 by mschauber
Education Reformers Say Vt.’s Funding System Is ‘Weighted’ Against Disadvantaged Students
Posted: June 14, 2021 by mschauber
CVTSE is Proud to Announce this Great Achievement